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Barbara Holman lives in Prescott Valley, AZ
Currently a full-time artist who lives with her Alaskan Malamute, "Timber"
& her Wolf Hybrid, "Luna"

Photo by "Les Stukenberg"

If you would like to contact her, Please follow this link:

~ About the Artist ~
Barbara A. Holman
Photo by "Les Stukenberg"
My love of art  came about at an early age.  I always remember feeling captivated with a box of crayons and a pad of paper.  And,  I was perpetually delighted to put together a popsicle house, create a colorful collage, or get my hands dirty with play dough or paper mache.  
Art has always seemed to play a giant role in my development, and inadvertently, an expansion into my sense of self.

My artistic expression gives me the power to transport myself into a peaceful realm, a place that awakens my mind and fuels my soul.  For me, it is both therapeutic and enlightening.
During my life, I have succeeded in a number of different "occupations."  From work in the fields of:  
Chemical Dependency Counseling - Beautician/Hair Stylist and Veterinary Technician.  
But none of these career choices ever brought about the solace that I was continually seeking.  I always felt as if something more grand and meaningful was missing from my life.
When I began working on my art "full-time," it is as if all the scattered pieces of my life fell into place.  Things, "made sense" and I knew deep down in my heart, that creating my art was my sincere and true calling in life.

Throughout the years, I have worked with different artistic mediums:  
Leather crafts, Pastels, Acrylics, etc.  I also found that I was very drawn to "Pyroengraving, AKA: "Wood-burning."  
I casually tinkered with wooden boxes and other various wood items.  Creating out of the ordinary, but useful gifts for my family and friends.  
Then one day it happened, I came across a hard shelled gourd, which I purchased at a local swapmeet.
I brought the gourd home and diligently began my quest to create something exceptional.  The gourds smooth texture, its one of a kind curves, and the smell that permeates the air when burned, were the ingredients that triggered in me, a fascination with this new found art form.

I knew that I was hooked.  And I longed to find out more about the history of gourds, their uses from primitive to modern man, and about all of the many different ways a gourd can be used as an "artistic canvas."

As a result, I began my career as a "Gourd Artist."

There is something about the feeling of a gourd in my hands.  A feeling that actually "grounds me," and gives me a great sense of peace.  
I have always felt that while doing my artwork, the act connected me to something magical.  That when working with a gourd, I am transported into another kind of dimension, where I can find and bring back a wealth of inspired, creative energies.
It is extremely difficult for me to describe what motivates me to design, burn, and color each gourd.  That is because each gourd is so different and unique.  I will spend some time sitting quite with each gourd, until the gourd "speaks to me" and exposes itself!  Most of the time, when looking at the gourd, I will get pictures that flash into my minds eye - These pictures show me what the gourd looks like, done and complete.  It is then my job, to do the footwork, and create what I saw in my mind.  
Sometimes, it is even a surprise to me, what the finished project will reveal!

I feel as if I have been blessed with a gift.  And that gift is to the best of my abilities, create unique and beautiful pieces, that are designed for each individual buyer.  I do believe that the distinctive energy and vibration that each gourd emanates, will attract a buyer who resonates this similar energy.
So, it is my hope that when a piece of my art enters a home, it will be enjoyed as much by the persons living with it, as much as I enjoyed creating it for them!